
The lawyers of Namechange.nl are glad to help you with your request for a first name change. If you are certain of this important decision, we will make it as simple as possible for you. This is how we work:

Step1 Do the Free Quick Scan! You can enter your data quickly and easily via this website. You will then receive advice within two working days from one of our lawyers about your desire to change your first name. In this advice, you will also receive specific information about the court proceedings and the documents that are needed. Often the only necessary documents are: - a registered copy of your birth certificate; - an extract from the Basic Registration Persons; - a copy of your ID.

Step 2 If you would like to continue with the first name change and you have paid the costs [link: page 'Costs'], a personal consultation with the lawyer will follow. The request that will be submitted to the court will be discussed with you in this consultation. All consultation with your lawyer are completely confidential.

Step3 After the petition is completed, we will submit it to the competent court. Usually, the judge will decide within 4 weeks. The court will send the correspondence to your lawyer. Naturally, you will be kept well informed by your lawyer.

Step 4 After the judge has decided on a change of your first name, there is still a formal appeal period of three months which must be awaited. After that, your name change can be registered with the authorities. This is usually the municipality of your place of birth in the Netherlands, or, if you were born outside the Netherlands, the civil registry of the municipality of The Hague.

Congratulations, you are now entitled to use your new first name!

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